We advise on opportunities to save tax and make recommendations on appropriate claims and elections.
Whether you’re self-employed or you run a Limited Company, our highly qualified and experienced tax team will be delighted to handle all your taxation affairs.
We can prepare any Tax Returns for your review and signature before submission to HM Revenue & Customs. We’ll inform you how much tax may be payable, and advise you when payments should be made. We will advise on opportunities to save tax and make recommendations on appropriate claims and elections.
We can also advise you on Pay As You Earn (PAYE) requirements, including forms P11D and other Employer’s Returns. We can assist on any tax matters that you and your staff may have to deal with, or indeed any other tax issues that are not within the scope of our initial engagement.
For more information please contact us at: admin@perlinfranco.co.uk

Our Services
Self Assesment
Our tax services make sure that your tax liability is calculated taking into account all allowed exemptions and deductions. We simplify the process by using accountancy software to accurately complete tax returns and calculate any tax liability that may occur, along with any payments that need to be made.

Corporation Tax
Corporation tax reliefs and rates change annually, so we ensure that we can provide all the right guidance and advice when looking at exemptions, allowances and deductions that may be available. We will thoroughly review and prepare corporation tax returns in great detail in order to ensure you are complaint and that you don’t incur any penalties.

Capital Gains Tax
You may be looking at investments, a second property or another asset and our team can make sure you maximise your exemptions while simplifying the difficult area of capital gains tax.

Persoanl tax Planning
[insert firm name] can help with the complex issue of personal tax, we know it can be difficult to understand, which is why we help every step of the way. We take away the time and stress by creating a tax planning strategy that suits your tax affairs, helping ensure you pay the least amount of tax. Our team will advise when payments are due along with what forms need to be filed and returned to keep you compliant.